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December 08 - 2024
台東市中心的靜謐秘境 —— 鯉魚山步道,這條融合歷史、文化與壯麗景觀的輕鬆步道,將為你帶來一場豐富的身心之旅! -
September 01 - 2024
本飯店房內即日起不提供「一次性包裝」之備品,如有需求可在入住時向櫃台購買所需品項,金額不限由您投入捐款箱,所有款項將捐贈給公益單位,幫助弱勢團體。 -
September 01 - 2024
【電動輔助自行車】簡稱 - 電輔車🚲 簡單的說,就是有電的腳踏車。有踩才有電,沒有踩就沒有電!開啟電源後,還是要腳踩,車就會提供動力輔助讓你踩起來更輕鬆,若騎到沒有電了,它仍是一部可以騎的普通自行車~ -
April 23 - 2023
台東禾風新棧度假飯店一舉奪得2023年「Asia Legendary Leader Award」兩項大獎,其中包含亞洲飯店經營領導品牌獎,以及飯店總經理辜元泰更獲亞洲皇室風雲人物奬。 -
January 11 - 2023
臺東縣消防局於1/11辦理春節前夕加強火災搶救實兵演練,項目有飯店員工自衛消防編組、火災搶救、人命救助及大量傷病患等演練項目,並將最新開發的火場指揮管制系統及緊急救護5G資訊系統納入,展現科技結合救災成果 -
Rooms Recommend
HeFong Double Room
For 2 peopleSimple & Fashion design style creates a relaxed living atmosphere. Comfortable environment makes you extremely relax and happy.HeFong Double Room
For 2 peopleSimple & Fashion design style creates a relaxed living atmosphere. Comfortable environment makes you extremely relax and happy. -
Luxury Ripple Room
For 4 peopleSimple & Fashion design style creates a relaxed living atmosphere. Two double beds are the best choice for family vacation, so you can get the best relaxation with your loved ones after a day’s journey.Luxury Ripple Room
For 4 peopleSimple & Fashion design style creates a relaxed living atmosphere. Two double beds are the best choice for family vacation, so you can get the best relaxation with your loved ones after a day’s journey. -
Mimi Family Room
For 4 peopleCute forest animal wallpaper, well-designed bunk beds with a slide, it is children’s favorite suite. The mattress uses Malaysian nature non-toxic latex. In addition, the American Fantacy Fields hand-made table and chairs are provided, letting children’s journey fulfill with fantasy.Mimi Family Room
For 4 peopleCute forest animal wallpaper, well-designed bunk beds with a slide, it is children’s favorite suite. The mattress uses Malaysian nature non-toxic latex. In addition, the American Fantacy Fields hand-made table and chairs are provided, letting children’s journey fulfill with fantasy. -
Hippo Family Room
For 4 peopleCute forest animal wallpaper, well-designed bunk beds with a slide, it is children’s favorite suite. The mattress uses Malaysian nature non-toxic latex. In addition, the American Fantacy Fields hand-made table and chairs are provided, letting children’s journey fulfill with fantasy.Hippo Family Room
For 4 peopleCute forest animal wallpaper, well-designed bunk beds with a slide, it is children’s favorite suite. The mattress uses Malaysian nature non-toxic latex. In addition, the American Fantacy Fields hand-made table and chairs are provided, letting children’s journey fulfill with fantasy.
Cycling Taitung
About Hotel
Welcome to Rice Resort Hotel The most comfortable and beautiful family accommodation options at Taitung
Rice Resort Hotel is only 700 meters away from Taitung station in Taitung city. The location is perfect for the nearby Star Tribe watching airplane landing and taking off in the daytime and beautiful starry sky at night. Sunday night market on Siwei road, sightseeing night market on Zhengqi road, and Tiehua village musical settlement are at a distance of a mere 10-minute drive from our hotel.
Each room offers spectacular view of Dulan mountain landscape. The hotel is built with 5000-pound earthquake-proof construction and Titanium alloy European aesthetic design of interior low-profile luxury style. Delicate and ingenious design can be seen everywhere. Free WiFi and indoor parking space are available for hotel guests. Each room has wooden floors. Each bathroom has biological light energy shower head and shampoo/body wash gel extracted by rice peptide.
Each room offers spectacular view of Dulan mountain landscape. The hotel is built with 5000-pound earthquake-proof construction and Titanium alloy European aesthetic design of interior low-profile luxury style. Delicate and ingenious design can be seen everywhere. Free WiFi and indoor parking space are available for hotel guests. Each room has wooden floors. Each bathroom has biological light energy shower head and shampoo/body wash gel extracted by rice peptide.