Taitung Travel
Distance 7.1 KM,Drive time 14 MIN
Mr. Huang Scallion cake
The most popular area in Haibin Park is this Huangji Scallion Pancake. Other snacks selling around it surround it. The production process of Huangji Scallion Pancake is authentic and the taste does not lose the Samsung Scallion Pancake. Huang Kee Scallion Cake is an old shop that has been in existence for more than 30 years. -
Distance 15.2 KM,Drive time 21 MIN
One Piece Bay Sunrise
One Piece Bay Sunrise -
Distance 3.3KM,Drive time 7MIN
High-tech minced pork rice
High-tech minced pork rice -
Distance 4.2KM,Drive time 8MIN
Honglu Duck Village
Honglu Duck Village -
Distance 5.6KM,Drive time 13MIN
Tiehua Village Music Village Slow Market
Tiehua Village Music Village Slow Market -
Distance 12.7KM,Drive time 17MIN
Caroline Recreation Area
Caroline Recreation Area -
Distance 5.7KM,Drive time 11MIN
Lover's Old Noodle Shop Cut Zai Noodles
Lover's Old Noodle Shop Cut Zai Noodles -
Distance 6.2KM,Drive time 12MIN
Royal Golden Fragrant Taitung Ancient Early Flavour Rice Table
Royal Golden Fragrant Taitung Ancient Early Flavour Rice Table -
Distance 5.0KM,Drive time 11MIN
193 Cafe
193 Cafe -
Distance 2.2KM,Drive time 6MIN
Nan Wang Scallion Pancake
Nan Wang Scallion Pancake -
Distance 6.8KM,Drive time 13MIN
Star Tribal Landscape Coffee
Star Tribal Landscape Coffee -
Distance 6.4 KM,Drive time 12 min
Sige Mountain Scenic Area
scenic spot in Taitung Sige Mountain Scenic Area -
Distance 2.3 公里,Drive time 6 分鐘
卑南豬血湯老店(僅此一家)台東必吃美食 -
Distance 2.3 公里,Drive time 6 分鐘
台東在第八十年老店-來台東必吃點心-陳家麻糬 -
Distance 2.2 公里,Drive time 6 分鐘
台東必吃美食-20年老店-金花軒卑南包仔店 -
Distance 59.3 KM,Drive time 1 hour and 8 min
Pisirian is a simple Amis tribal village. The name means “goat-herding”. -
Distance 1.3 KM,Drive time 4 Min
Beinan Dazun Water Conservation Park
Beinan Dazun (canal) is the largest water conservancy -
Distance 28.1 公里,Drive time 38 分鐘
感受6件具療癒的壯美作品 安撫焦躁不安的心 陪伴大家走過疫情黑暗期,迎向♥️希望! -
Distance 26.2 公里,Drive time 37 分鐘
南迴藝術季-最美公路上遇見藝術風景 -
Distance 25.1 KM,Drive time 37 Min
Luye Highland hot air balloon area
Luye Highland is the first place constructed with a fresh image of hot air balloon in Taiwan. -
Distance 94.8 公里,Drive time 2 小時 4 分鐘
Needle Flower Season
花東七~九月盛事 - 金針花 -
Distance 15.4 公里,Drive time 20 分鐘
杉原灣周邊景點實在太豐富, 先跟著影片線上東漂玩杉原灣周邊! -
Distance 14.8 公里,Drive time 22 分鐘
台東就醬玩,帶你玩台東! 今天來到台東普悠瑪-卑南鄉 -
Distance 68.9 公里,Drive time 1 小時 21 分鐘
精選台東20處《看海景點懶人包》就是喜歡迷人的台東藍 -
Distance 48.3 公里,Drive time 1 小時 4 分鐘
不只在疫情期間,線上即時觀看,療癒您想出遊的心 更是規劃出遊的參考依據~ -
Distance 20.0 公里,Drive time 34 分鐘
園區內千年白榕樹,盤根錯節~猶如阿凡達的場景~蔚為奇觀 在這兒的原生榕樹又被稱為「會走路的樹」 -
Distance 24.7 公里,Drive time 38 分鐘
臺東-充滿魅力的16個鄉鎮 -
Distance 6.7 公里,Drive time 14 分鐘